Durga Puja & Google search - a contrarian view

Durga Puja is a huge business in the Eastern part of India. Hundreds of millions of rupees are spent in these 5 days of festivity. Obviously people have also been spending on the Digital media fronts increasingly over the last few years. But is it resulting in desired Return of Investment? 

That's a difficult question. But we have an easy answer: It seems much lesser people have searched for "Durga Puja" in 2011 & 2012 compared to 2009 & 2010. In fact in 2011, the search volume came down to 40% of the previous year. There was a marginal increase in 2012 though. 

If you notice, the upward trend got down in 2008 also. Possibly it was a dull year due to the recession. But what happened to the Googlers in 2011 & 2012? Will 2013 see a revival of Google search volume due to increased social media and related searches or will it continue to be down due to the bad economic condition of the country? 

Keep guessing till the Puja gets over.

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