Socialist World

There is so much of Social around us these days.  Do you feel comfortable in this new world with all of the new things evolving around you everyday?

Being Social has got a whole new meaning in the last few years - its not enough to have a chat with your friend over a cup of tea or have a phone call once in a week. You got to do this publicly, in one of the many Social networks. You need to Like the fact that he/she had a nice trip back home from office, else you are going to be outcast pretty soon. But did this Social movement help us in improving our life in any way?

In terms of ease of communication, possibly yes, the social platforms, coupled with the smartphones have made it much easier to connect with your close friends. It has made communication cheaper. You can use your phone to call up your friends in any other country easily using Skype or Google Hangout, just by paying the data charge which is quite less compared to the voice calls.

Did it help us in taking decision faster? May be yes, may be no. If you look at the ease at which you can get your friend's feedback (or friend's friend) on the new microwave, it surprises me. You don't need to ask all of your family members or friends or office colleagues about how do they feel about a particular hospital before you admit your wife for the special day. You need not believe only the product catalogs churned out by the marketers, which talk about the brighter part of the product only. 

On the flip side, we now-a-days tend to spend more time on the FB App than the total Internet time earlier. But who cares about that anyway? Well, if you have a youngster at home, you may have already started nodding your head. Its very addictive, and it takes away the time people used to spend in other nice-old-school hobbies. But thats a different story altogether.

Now if you are a marketer, you are the one who has got benefited the most. Social Media has opened up a big trove of customer insight. Now you know when I am going to buy my new car or when do I plan to take my family out for a dinner or when is my daughter's birthday coming up. If you are connected to this new thing called Social network, you also know who all my friends are, and what we are talking about you. Based on our sentiment, you can decide how to position a product or do upsell and cross sell. I am sure you are going to be the biggest beneficiary of this new development. But as a consumer, we would sincerely request you to please make this experience more friendly so that we Like it! 

How can you make the Social Marketing less intruding and more customer friendly? Lets catch up soon again on that. If you have your ideas, do let me know as exchanging ideas is the basis of the new Social world. Lets be a Social animal on this lovely planet.

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