How to move contacts from your iPhone to the Android in One Click?

Disclaimer: Its not one click, its 3 clicks to be precise.

If you have/had an iPhone with loads of contacts and you (finally) decided to move out from a dying platform to a more vibrant one (aka Android), then this post might help you. Also it would help you to understand that its easy to migrate from iPhone to Android and knowing that fact might fast forward your decision, if you have not taken the plunge yet.

Step 0: Connect your iPhone to your laptop/PC. It should open iTunes. If it has not opened automatically, do the needful to get it running.
Step 1: Go to Info tab within your iPhone tab
Step 2: Click on Sync Contacts
Step 3: Select Google Contacts from the dropdown. It would prompt you to enter Google id/password. You should enter the same id/password you have used in your Android device. If you are having 2 phase authentication set, generate an application specific password (how?).

And that's it. You are done, except clicking Done at the bottom of the page. It should start syncing your iPhone contacts with Google contacts. As the sync gets over, open your Android phone, go to People icon and see all the contacts available.

When are you planning to make the move?

Note: This is the happy path. Expect some exceptions anyway. ;)

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