Dancing all the way...

Immersion at Belur Ramakrishna Mission...its a totally different experience..if you have not seen it, you have missed "something" in life..


  1. This is an amazing picture. Very mysterious and alluring. At the risk of sounding out of touch and ignorant I have to ask- When was this taken?
    How are things with you? Any plans of coming back to US as yet?
    Take care and have a good day.

  2. This pic has become one my favourites too..

    I am not too sure about your proximity to Hindu ideas..this pic is of immersion of "Durga" idol - the godess who fought the evil. Its a 5 day carnival in my part of India (in some other parts - its a 9 day festivity)..this pic was taken at Ramakrishna Mission - a sect which is within Hinduism and one of the most liberal groups around.
    In this Durga puja (puja = worship), these monks perform the puja themselves and let the world see how these selfless monks erupt in joy. Its very rare to see some monks dancing around who maintain a thoroughly strict life throughout the 364 days.

  3. as of now no plans of going back to us :)

  4. Thnx.
    Overtime I see you have been evolving as a person as well as a photographer.
    As for me,
    I started a blog today!!! I am a bit puzzled though with this ongoing conflict between sharing and privacy. How do you decide what is safe to share?

  5. Ohh all the while i was thinking nikki to be someone a bit away from India and was giving the fundas :)..

    good to see your world..publishing something in blog - well, i dont have any preset ideas..obviously i dont talk abt my gf over here but this is a place where i can talk freely about my thoughts (and if someone puts trash comments can delete it as well :) )..i think u were in delhi last march..whn r u planning to come next?

  6. You are right I was there in March, after five years.
    And they were not fundas...quite interesting and useful comments!
    As for the next trip, I really can't say.

  7. thx :) do update ur blog profile whn u get sum time..


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