Color Of Death

Could it be black? The darkness, the blank screen in a big theatre, the dark empty room – it makes me smell death..where you find yourself lost..when you desperately look for someone. And you never get her. Suddenly you find yourself in a big big room, where you are alone. And all the lights go off. You can’t cry. Nobody expects you to cry. She won’t listen. And you feel Death. Can it be that steely blue? The harshness which cuts you through. The sharpness that hits you right there. The razor edge which is always inviting me. The ever alluring Blue! Or is it white? The white in the dumb eyes..the pale faces..the white flowers..the overwhelming white that surrounds you. Or can it be red? Look at this – a close frame, aperture opened to maximum. It’s a semi-dark room. A hand (no it’s a girl) hanging vertically from top right corner of the frame and stretches till the centre of the frame. The sharpness of the fingers (and the ring) overlooks the pool of blood, and a piece of paper flying away. There is some hint of metal lying in the ground. Damn it! Death must be red.


  1. what made you feel the void dark zone and made u stand on the edge of River Ether??

    Anywayz happy to see the blog been updated......Thanks

  2. I agree. I think the colour of death must be red. As red as a newly wed's bridal dress. But then, would it have mattered if death came in any other colour?...They say, a person's face turns pale blue at the sight of death. I didn't see death, but I felt it...I felt death all around the faces of the people who saw the dead....And their faces were gloomy, very gloomy, devoid of colour. They were not red, nor were they blue or for that matter any other colour. They were plain and simple colourless. Yeah, death must be red but once it accomplishes its task, it takes away all the colour.

  3. don't thank me....atleast not for something written on death...I liked your piece though...I'll go ahead and thank you...I could relate to it because death visited us in the near past. He/she/it was unwelcome but then he/she/it always gets what he/she/it wants right?...We couldn't do anything....nothing

    You'll wonder why I posted with an anonymous identity.....Well, let me say that I have my reasons.


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